A Bit About Us
Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
Here at Goddesses Blessing Goddesses, we see the value in everyone. We want to be a catalyst for positive change, and since our beginnings in 2000, we’ve been driven by the same ideas we initially founded our Women Empowerment Non-Profit Organization upon: support, empowerment, and progress. Learn more about our mission, our vision, and how we go about making the changes we want to see.

Humanitarian Advocates
The time has come for all women to stand in their own power!

About Us
We believe that all women should participate in making the decisions that affect them. We are certain the future of the world rests squarely on the knowledge, leadership, skills, creativity, and integrity of all goddesses collectively. Not only are these U.N. sustainable development goals, but are also ours. We are devoted to promoting the welfare of all women and families across the globe who are less fortunate than we.
We participate under the National African and All Women Association ( N.A.A.W.A.). Advocating for all women worldwide. We are also change-agents to preserve past, present, and future contributions women have made throughout history. Whether GBG advocates with other cultures and nations or partners with other NGO's or alliance organizations, the goal is the same, "believing that all women need to be heard and to have a voice."

Contact Us
Have questions about our services or want to speak with our team? Please send us a message at admin@goddessesblessinggoddesses.org